Tuesday, January 31, 2012

i hate the love month

February... oh the love month... NOT!

i've had a roster of badluck in the past.  happened mostly on valentines day.

the biggest unlucky day i had was on valentines day 2006.  i crashed the side of my car to the neighbor's wall.  i was like 5meters away from our gate!  i remember that day entirely.  i wasnt able to eat lunch, i worked til late night, then went through horrible horrible traffic of dating lovers and was so dizzy by the time i reached home.  i remember before i turned the corner i was so excited to get home after a long dizzying traffic drive.  and then bam!

after which i vowed to never ever ever go out on valentines day.  prior to the car mishap of 2006 i remember losing money before. another valentines day i got injured while dancing.  oh and a lot of other unlucky stuff in the other past years.

thats why ive always equated that Feb 14 is my version of Friday the 13th.

i dont know if im still unlucky this year.... definitely i will stay home again on valentines to be sure. except that i have to go to work.  no date with my husband definitely.  weve never gone out on valentines since we got together.   i'd appreciate a bouquet of flowers though. hehe

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